Our Mission:

Our mission is to help UK Armed Forces Veterans and their direct family members access technology such as Laptops and tablets to alleviate social isolation, increase access to training and ultimately aide in developing a new career path.

Who We Are

We were formed by Invictus Games competitors along with our friends & family members at the Invictus Games 2023 in Düsseldorf. With decades working at all levels of the IT industry, we aim to fill a gap in the sector by repurposing donated Laptops and Tablets for use by UK Armed Forces Veterans.

Our Values

We aim to treat everyone referred to us with absolute respect, friendship and dignity. Our only purpose is to help UK Armed Forces Veterans reach their full potential and improve their wellbeing and work prospects.

How we work:

We work with a range of partners to get suitable IT equipment into the hands of deserving veterans.

Many of these partners donate IT equipment to us so that we can refurbish it and ensure it is ready for a veteran to use.

Other partners, the majority of which are UK Military Charities, submit requests for IT equipment on behalf of veterans they support.

The Access to Technology Foundation does not accept direct applications from veterans requesting IT equipment.

There are two simple reason for this:

The partners we work with are the experts in determining a veterans suitability for the technology we can provide.

They also have ready access to veterans in need of our help.

This ensures that we can spend our time developing partnerships to better the lives of veterans by securing donated technology, refurbishing it to a high standard and to develop training pathways to help beneficiaries find a new career in tech, if this is something they would like to pursue.

If you work for a military charity that would like to partner with us, or are a veteran working with a UK Armed Forces charity that you think that should partner with us, please contact us.



The Access To Technology Foundation (ATTF): Registered Charity Number: 1208354

© Copyright The Access To technology Foundation. All rights reserved.

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