On this page, you will find links to free resources to help you increase the level of your IT skills and to help you move forward with getting the most from your IT equipment and to start the upskilling process should you wish to prepare for a career in technology.


If you are aware of any resources you feel would be great to share with the community, please use the contact form to let us know.

Free IT Training Resources:

Being able to touch type is an essential skill within the IT industry and luckily, it is very easy to learn.

There are multiple free typing tutors available and we have linked to some below:



Typing Tutor:

If you fancy learning some coding, freeCodeCamp offers extensive free training which is both intuitive and easy to follow. You can learn everything from HTML to Javascript to Python which is useful for careers in Web Development, Data Visualisation, Back End Development, Information Security and much more. We have tested this out for ourselves and it really is a great resource.




Ever wondered how people build their own PC's? Alison has a great introductory course that covers how to recognise and select hardware components, listing peripheral devices and how to install an operating system.

Check them out below:



Building your own PC:

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