Jay Saunders

Jay is the original inspiration for this charity forming and someone we have had the pleasure to get to know over the last couple of years.
Serving 23 years in the Royal Navy before being diagnosed with Complex PTSD which lead to his medical discharge in 2018. He has represented the United Kingdom at the 2018 Warrior Games in Colorado Springs and the 2023 Invictus Games in Düsseldorf where he won a silver medal in Archery. 
He has achieved all of this whilst battling his way to recovery and helping countless other people on their recovery journeys. Jay truly is an inspiration to many and he comes with the added bonus of his amazing assistance dog Hawke!

Jay said:

"With a degree in Electronic Engineering, IT is not only a hobby but a major part of my old career. Following my medical discharge, IT became one of my main tools that I am dependant on for enabling my recovery. Everything from mentoring fellow veterans to take up stand-up comedy via video conference to dabbling in graphic design for various military charities and recording and producing a veterans podcast.
I understand first hand how important it is for veterans and their dependents to have access to suitable IT equipment to enable their recovery, expand employment opportunities and break social isolation. I have a passion for Open Source software and Linux Operating Systems and I like to promote how powerful these tools are in providing IT financial independence."

Jays Laptop was donated by Dains.


Gabriel Murphy

Gabriel served his nation for almost a decade in the Army and a decade as a paramedic. Unfortunately this lead to a breakdown and a diagnosis of Complex PTSD. Added to the diagnosis was physical wear and tear which left him unable to work. To make matters worse, he had been stabbed twice and was in an RPG attack. 

Gabriel said:

"Over the last year my laptop and phone failed on me. Like so many veterans, I live on a very strict budget and the cost of living crisis didn't help. As such I was able to replace my phone with a second hand one, but trying to save for a new laptop proved impossible as surprise bills kept hitting us. This stopped me enjoying activities I relied on - especially breaking my social isolation where I wanted to meet up with fellow veterans online using tools like Zoom - hardly practical on an old mobile phone.

So re-inventing myself as a comedian and re skill and thanks to this laptop I'm gonna be able to start a new. I'm a keen gamer and in my glorious youth I was a keen artist and wanted to have a career in design technology before I was swept up in the glory of serving the country.  Since now finding myself in a predicament of having to start a new this new laptop is, no pun intended, a lifesaver.  It is not just the first step but the second and third to help me find a new career and thus give me my sense of self worth back so I can provide for my family and loved ones again."

Gabriels Laptop was donated by Dains.


Chris Hayes

Chris joined the Royal Marines in 2017 and served until he was unfortunately medically discharged with Complex PTSD. As part of Chris's recovery, he enjoys writing and is planning a project to document Armed Forces Veterans experiences in Afghanistan. 

Chris said:

"The incredible gift I received has enabled me to tackle things like emails, admin and day to day life, but more importantly it's a starting point for me to start a writing project writing about Veterans experiences in Afghanistan to raise awareness of what veterans went through and to help garner more compassion in the UK for Veterans and to hopefully help bridge the gap between Veterans and Civilians and to help Civilians to better understand the challenges faced by Veterans and to show everyone that a struggle isn't the end of a journey, it is the beginning." 

Chris's Laptop was donated by Dains.

Chris was referred to us by Supporting Wounded Veterans.




Phil served 20 years in the Royal Navy and enjoyed a wide and varied career. Unfortunately due to deployments to Afghanistan, he was medically discharged with Complex PTSD, anxiety and depression.

Phil said:

"Receiving a laptop has been amazing, having been out of work for nearly 7 months and being unable to work part time finances have been exceedingly stretch.  I am a passionate photographer and videography and this really helps manage my symptoms. Unfortunately my current laptop was not able to cope with the demands by evermore advancing software and I struggled to edit photographs and videos.  The new laptop means I can continue with the photography, managing my symptoms and looking to future to maybe turn this into a business.

Phil's Laptop was donated by Dains.

Phil was referred to us by Supporting Wounded Veterans.



Sammy Carlyon

Sammy served for 14 years in the Royal Signals before being medically discharged. Transitioning to civilian life while disabled has proven a challenge having undertaken nine different jobs since leaving the British Army 11 years ago.
She took the opportunity to apply for the 2025 Canadian Invictus Games and was lucky enough to be selected to take part in the Engage Phase of the UK’s application process with a hope of being selected for Team UK. While taking part in the Engage Phase, she was exposed to many opportunities for personal development and recovery that she eagerly pursued.
Already actively engaged in musical performance, she has started working with Project COMEDY to learn stand up comedy skills that are increasing her communications and connection skills, increasing self-confidence and encouraged her to increase the voluntary work she does with The Scout Association – all of which enables her to confront her social isolation.
However, she was presented with technology challenges. The only device she had at her disposal was an out-of-date iPad that was no longer capable of being updated. Attempting to access online training and internet-based support groups was becoming more and more problematic.

Sammy said:
"With this laptop I’m suddenly able to compose my music, become an active member of this veterans comedy community and take on a stores role for my local Scout group. Simple things like being able to connect with groups using Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Discord helps me feel like I’m part of a community and am not alone in my recovery. It’s like I’ve been given the tool I need to improve my wellbeing and take on new challenges."

Sammy's Laptop was donated by Dains.

Sammy was referred to us by Project Comedy


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