Work With Us:

We can’t do this alone! 
To enable our mission to improve the daily lives of veterans in need, we need support. There are two main ways in which companies and individuals can assist us in accomplishing our goals:

Donating Equipment

Does your company refresh its IT equipment at regular intervals? What do you do with the IT equipment you retire? We’re in constant need of serviceable laptops and tablets. Look at the equipment you’re replacing for your employees – can that laptop run Windows 10 – could that tablet effectively run Android 14 (Upside Down Cake) or iPadOS 15…? Then that’s a piece of IT equipment that could change the life of a veteran.

If you have a concern about your data – we check, wipe and refurbish every piece of equipment we’re donated, so your data could never get to our beneficiaries. If you’d like to wipe data before it gets to ATTF, then we’re more than happy to advise you on how to do so.

Financial Donation

To get a piece of IT equipment into the hands of deserving veteran, there are financial costs we can’t avoid: Postage and packaging, maintenance and cleaning software, operating systems, memory (RAM and drives) et al… A small financial donation enables us to deliver a piece of IT equipment to a beneficiary’s home or to one of our partners.

What’s in it for you?

Enhance your Green credentials: Your old IT Equipment isn’t going into landfill if you donate it to us. You’re not only assisting veterans in need, you’re contributing to a better environment – so brag about it…!

Enhance your brand: Boast about how your company is supporting the veterans community. This is an amazing way of humanising business, by showing how you’re aiding people’s well-being and not the public assumption of industry just chasing profits.

National Recognition: Use donations to ATTF to support an application to gain a Bronze Award for the Defence Employer Recognition Scheme and being able to display your Armed Forces Covenant Crest.

If you’re potentially interested in helping us, please complete the form below – we’d love to discuss how we can work together and change people’s lives.


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