Our Mission:

Too many Armed Forces Veterans are struggling with every day life. A significant proportion of veterans struggle daily with factors such as financial insecurity, social isolation, physical injuries, psychiatric disorders, inability to secure a new career after service and feeling like they are no longer of value to modern society.

The Access to Technology Foundation can’t fix all of these things, but we can make significant improvements veterans daily lives.

How do you write a CV, submit job applications, search employment boards or take part in online job interviews if don’t have ready access to a laptop and can’t afford to buy one?

Are you aware that the majority of psychological therapy sessions are now delivered via video chat? How does a veteran gain access to therapy for psychiatric disabilities like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder without serviceable IT equipment?

How would a veteran build a support network and communicate with other veterans all over the country, access the myriad of online training courses and take part in the amazing video chat communities out there without a the correct technology to facilitate this?

This is how we found our mission: To get suitable IT equipment into the hands of deserving veterans to enable them to positively enhance their daily lives.

But getting such equipment delivers other amazing benefits.

Veterans can develop creative skills, from graphic design, video, audio and photographic editing. One of our beneficiaries is an Ambassador for Project Comedy where veterans train and support other veterans to get into stand up comedy to break their social isolation, develop self worth and recover from a range of physical and mental injuries - all of which would be impossible without the right technology.

Giving a deserving veteran a laptop gives them more than access to word processing, spreadsheets, PowerPoint and emails… It gives them the chance to become creative, communicate with supporting agencies, develop new skills, start new careers and feel valuable again.

If you’d like to help us turn our mission into reality, then please visit our Work With Us page.

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